Midwest-based Chocolatier

OutBound Shipping Systems Solutions Assures Accurate, Cost-efficient Delivery For Family-owned Food-Service Customer

The Challenge

chocolatierFor most manufacturers, a shipping mistake means delayed arrival of its product. For a food manufacturer – particularly one that depends on e-commerce – that same mistake may well mean spoiled product.

When a small Midwest-based chocolatier needed to implement an automated shipping system, the normal guidelines for product shipping were only the beginning. They needed a system that would virtually prohibit carrier mistakes. OutBound Shipping Systems provided such a solution.

The Solution

Answering the need for a budget-conscious, simple-to-integrate system, OutBound was able to provide an off-the-shelf software package that easily integrated product orders with its shipping system.

The OutBound automated solution made it possible for our customer to convert orders (data files) created from its Web site and load them into the shipping system. An additional critical element of the OutBound system is the e-mail notification module which lets customers monitor the status of their order. OutBound delivers a consistent e-mail notification message across multiple carriers with a customer-created format that may include a customer’s logo and even a link to its Web site. This allows the customer to track their own orders rather than calling and requesting the chocolatier to track the order.
